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simXAR Branding Guidelines


Logo Usage

  • Primary Logo: The purple logo is to be used on light or neutral backgrounds to maintain brand consistency and recognition.










  • Secondary Logo:  The white logo is to be used on dark or busy backgrounds to ensure maximum visibility and impact.

Color Palette

  • Primary Color: Purple (#6D47D3), used for the purple logo and other brand accents.


  • Secondary Color: White, to be used for text and other elements where high contrast is required.


  • Usage: The primary purple color should be prominently featured in all branding materials. White serves as a contrasting element for clarity and emphasis.




  • Primary Typeface: Avenir Next Medium is the brand's primary typeface, used in the logo and for headings, titles, and any standout text.


  • Secondary Typeface: Avenir Next Medium or its regular weight should be used for body copy. If a web-safe alternative is needed, consider a similar sans-serif font like Helvetica or Arial for body text to ensure maximum compatibility and legibility.


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Copyright © 2024 XARlabs. 

XARlabs is a trading name of simXAR LTD.

Our platform's surgical planning products are currently under research and development and are not commercially available.


Our simXAR product is intended for use by trained healthcare professionals. Any images are from simulated and anonymised cases, with no personable identifiable information used.


Information about our platform and products, including potential benefits and risks, are preliminary and should be viewed as such. XARlabs cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the provided information and is not liable for any damages resulting from its use.

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